Sol Amstutz - Freelance Artist
Jeff Royer - Black Lodge Publicity / Xfinity Music
Josh Maloney - Dean Guitars
Mike Eaton - The Artery Foundation
Portland - Sons of Nero / Good Fight Entertainment
Daniel Wagner
Discussion: Marketing Your Band
- How does someone stick out?
- SA: running your band is a business
- consistent imagery - branding your band
- JR: give yourself a backstory
- a compelling reason for people to check you out
- JM: "Fundamentally, just don't suck"
- JM: branding - be clear and concise
- P: put out consistent, good music
- P: show an overall look of being a solid artist
- How important is a standard website?
- P: with the rise and fall of myspace, guesswork was taken out of the equation
- however, this is too easy and has made way for too much sucky music
- P: it's more important to be creative in promotion
- JM: use your website creatively
- Everyone: Myspace is DEAD
- DW: fan interaction is a big part of a successful website
- P: the idea of having a website:
- to keep web presence
- to keep people coming back
- a place to put all social media outlets in one spot
- SA: fans want to connect with bands
- through tweets, facebook, etc.
- tour like mad
- don't rely solely on social media for fans
- Is there any way to overkill connectedness?
- SA: try to keep up some sort of mystery
- keep a barrier between fan/band and real life
- failing to do so can result in fans feeling entitled (wanting to get into shows for free because you talked to them once on facebook)
- JM: word of mouth is still a huge thing
- P: very dependent on target audience
- "look at that girl with that Friday video - she's massive and she's HORRIBLE"
- JM: keep your content in check
- keep content interesting
- set short term goals
- be realistic about what you want to do