Friday, February 25, 2011

The Things You Stumble Upon

Every once in a while, while scouring the web for interesting things to read, I come across something that is awesome. Tonight, as I often do, I've been in search of the illusive press that I really don't have any of.

Everyone always asks about what press you've gotten and I'm always in that awkward situation where I have absolutely nothing. My album has been reviewed once by a friend whose arm I twisted to write the review, but aside from that, I've got nothing. With actually doing something with my music, you'd think I would've at least gotten a review from someone at school in the school paper or something, but no.

I know I've gone about the whole press thing wrong, but I've really had no help whatsoever on the matter. This is all beside the point, however.

So what did I find tonight?

Some hidden gem of press-like interest? Some new tunes that I can add to the 12-cd-high tower of cds that I've acquired in the last week and have yet to listen to? The answer to how to get the press I've blindly sought after for years?

No. No. And

However, I did find a blog post by Caleb Hawley about the gig we played a little over a year ago. Read it HERE.

For those who don't know both myself and Caleb - we're essentially the same person, give or take a few things. His blog post is about just that. This whole encounter was the inspiration for my song, Doppelganger. I think this gig was the first time I had played the song live, but at that point it didn't have a name...

A few posts ago I posted a picture from that gig. I'm new to blogging, so I have no clue if it's bad etiquette to post a picture twice, so I'll assume it is and tell you to just read the rest of my blog entries.

Seriously, though, this made my night. I didn't find that hidden piece of press that seems to be evading me, but I feel as though I can sleep soundly tonight.

And at 3am, I will do just that.


ps - I'll try to get the rest of the MMC series up soon

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